Your service partner all around the dispatch and transport logistics!
Welcome to our company
- An active authority
- Copy of CDL for each driver being dispatched
Certificate of insurance
- Signed W-9
- $1,000,000 in auto-liability & $100,000 in cargo coverage
- Signed dispatcher-carrier agreement
We Specialize on:
Dry Vans
Temperature controlled units.
- 53 feet.
- 48 Feet.
Power Only Units
Hook and drop, load outs.
No setup fees and cancel anytime You only pay for services rendered.
Our Dispatching Services Include:
- Credit checks of brokers and shippers
- Setup paperwork
- Direct access to your dispatcher
- Truck Order Not Used (TONU) assistance
- Negotiation of best paying rates
- Send paperwork to your factoring company for fast payment.
- Temporary Permits $30
- Factoring Offered